“My work is a glimpse into a world inspired by those met on the street, within the art I witness, and the characters I aspire to be.”

Taylor presently orchestrates and helms the curation of artist dialogues, a choreography designed to amplify the essence of exhibitions at Fotografiska New York. Tailoring each interrogation's themes, inquiries, and aesthetic tenor to harmonize with the exhibition's ethos and the artist's oeuvre, Taylor crafts a bespoke narrative canvas. Commencing with a pristine sheet, the collaborative alchemy of research imbues the interviews with substance and form, mirroring the essence of the showcased works.

Hailing from the sun-kissed shores of California, Taylor's genesis in VIP Relations and event orchestration has been transmuted into a synthesis of cinematic and televisual finesse seamlessly interwoven with the realm of museum curation. From the inception of the exhibition interviews to the conceptualization of the vernissage, Taylor engineers an immersive realm, finely attuned to the exhibition's thematic cadence.

“In the mirror”. Original digital illustration.

“In the mirror”. Original digital illustration.

Expanding her artistic orbit beyond the confines of exhibition halls, Taylor's creative prowess extends across diverse mediums, earning acclaim as a virtuoso digital illustrator. Her oeuvre has traversed continents, with exhibitions gracing prestigious locales from the hallowed halls of Oxford, United Kingdom, to the vibrant artistic crucible of Los Angeles.